Alain Perkaz

Typing dynamic API responses

When working with exteral APIs, I am a big fan of typing them in the client through schemas and runtime validation (with tools such as zod).

With said tools, its possible to generate TypeScript types for dynamic objects (such as HTTP responses), with runtime assurances. Seriously, check zod if you havent! πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ

Those types provide great DX, making the debugging of issues such as unexpected breaking changes in API responses, a breeze.

πŸ“ example.ts

import { z } from "zod";

// the schema for user object
const userSchema = z.object({
	age: z.number(),
	name: z.string(),

// untyped and dynamic objects (such as HTTP response)
const validResponse = { name: "Bob", age: 43 } as any;
const invalidResponse = 12 as any;

// => throws ZodError ❌

const user = userSchema.parse(validResponse);
// πŸ‘† `user` will be automatically typed in TypeScript

On a recent project, I encountered an API whose response was dynamically contructed based on the query parameters.

This provided example is a simplification, but it hopefully showcases the complexity if there where 100s of query parameters affecting the response payload shape.

πŸ“ dynamic-API.ts

const responseA = await fetch("").then((r) =>
// πŸ‘† {dogs: ['Alfie', 'Rudolf']}

const responseB = await fetch("").then((r) =>
// πŸ‘† {cats: [{name: 'Mit', age: 4}}

const responseC = await fetch(",cats").then(
	(r) => r.json()
// πŸ‘† {dogs: ['Alfie', 'Rudolf'], cats: [{name: 'Mit', age: 4}]}

One could allways return back to not typing the response through schemas, but its would be a poor DX. So not an option 🀣

It turns out that an elegant solution is possible with zod's pick functionality (dynamically picking schema parts to apply):

πŸ“ typed-dynamic-API.ts

/** Unique source of truth, typing the shape of all the API responses */
const responseSchema = z.object({
	cats: z.array(z.string()),
	dogs: z.array(
			name: z.string(),
			age: z.number(),
export type QueryParams = keyof z.infer<typeof responseSchema>;
// πŸ‘† "cats" | "dogs"

/** Will return a partial schema, based on schema's projerties named as `queryParams` */
export function getPartialSchema<T extends QueryParams[]>(queryParams: T) {
	const zodQuerySelector = queryParams.reduce(
		(previousValue, cur) => ({
			[cur]: true,
	) as { [Param in (typeof queryParams)[number]]: true };

	return responseSchema.pick(zodQuerySelector);

πŸ“ usage-typed-dynamic-API.ts

import { QueryParams, getPartialSchema } from "./typed-dynamic-API.ts";

const queryParams = ["dogs"] satisfies QueryParams[];

const response = await fetch(
).then((r) => r.json());
// `response` is typed as `any` since its only known at runtime

const partialSchema = getPartialSchema(queryParams);
const animals = partialSchema.parse(response);
// πŸ‘† `animals` will be automatically typed

Happy codding! πŸŽ‰